
– capital city of England and the United Kingdom which is situated in the north west part of Europe – is UK´s largest and most populous metropolitan area – on the river Thame – almost 8 mil. people History – 43 AD first name of London was Londinium by Romans – in 1666 Great Fire […]

– capital city of England and the United Kingdom which is situated in the north west part of Europe

– is UK´s largest and most populous metropolitan area

– on the river Thame

– almost 8 mil. people


– 43 AD first name of London was Londinium by Romans

– in 1666 Great Fire of London – destroyed many monuments

18th century – centre of commerce, fashion

19th century – the largest, most inluential city in the world


33 units (boroughs)

The city of London – oldest financial centre, historical part, major business and financial centre.

The city of Westminister – Buckingham palace, Big Ben, Oxford Street (shopping).

West End, East End

Important buildings

St. Paul´s Cathedral

– the highest point in the city of London.

– seat of Bishop

– marriage Diana+Charles

The monument of Great Fire of London

– 161 m tall stone columns.

Tower of London

– it was fortress, a royal palace, a prison, a place of execution

– now it´s muzeum where tourists go to see the Crown Jewels

– it belongs in the UNESCO World Herritage Site

Tower Bridge

– the most famous bridge in the world

– it was built in 19th century

– the brigde raised in the midle to allow ships to pass up the river, it takes 90 seconds to raise

The Houses of Parlament

– political centre of the UK, home of the British Parliament (House of Lords and Commons)

Buckingham palace

– residence of the Queen of GB

– built in 18th century

– changing of the Guard


– the centre od London´s cinema land

– statue of W.S., Charlie Chaplin


Interesting places

The London Eye

– 135m tall, it takes 30 minutes to get around

– ook around 50 m


– royal ebservatory lies there

– there passes Greenwich Meridian or Zeroth Meridian

Hide park

– largest park, the most popular

The National Gallery

– free of charge

– trafalgar square



– Oxford street, Bond street, Covent Garden (most small shops)



– St. James, Hyde park

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